On 25 April and 29 April 2013 ISCP executive director gave a presentation to the staff and employees of the government in East Medan District and to the senior high school students (SMU N 3) about education and basic introduction to the wildlife and natural resources and biodiversity.
Hopefully, this activity could be useful and going forward.
Indonesia Text :
Pada tanggal 25 april dan 29 april 2013 direktur executive ISCP memberikan presentasi kepada staf dan pegawai pemerintah tepatnya masyarakat dan staf camat di kantor kecamatan medan timur serta para siswa-siswi SMU N 3 mengenai pendidikan serta pengenalan dasar satwa liar dan sumber daya alam dan hayati.
Semoga kegiatan ini bisa bermanfaat kedepannya.