On september 22,2017 ISCP got called from villager from Rumah Pil Pil Village where the location of ISCP center that he keep ahalf year his slow loris,since ISCP make socialization from mouth to mouth in tradisionl coffee shop at the village and the villager know ISCP have a center of save the slow loris in their village,so the villager this morning directly voluntary giving one slow loris to keeper of ISCP that also the keeper we recruitment from the Rumah pil pil village ,this moment known by wildlife authorithy that calling by ISCP last noon and the vet from wildlife authorithy together with ISCP team check the condition of the slow loris which voluntary giving by villager plus also at the moment the vet also check the 3 slow lorises that already in ISCP rehabilitation cage and give some medicine and vitamin by vet.
The condition of slow loris that voluntary giving by villager was little problem with feathers that fall out and a little lack of nutrient intake so we have to rehabilitation the slow loris tobe wild again and tobe healthy before release later.
Thank you for your support us and please continuing donate us to save slow loris in our NgO Bank Account or in our PayPal Account.
Warm regards
ISCP Local Team